We're back to the land down under and couldn't be happier to be home. But, the happiness is also fueled by our success at the trade shows! It made all the hard work, extra hours and efforts totally worth it. Plus, having the kids around made it all the more fun! Our journey started in Atlanta at Americas Mart and here are some quick snippets!
Match, set, buy!
Our very first customer of the tour was delighted to see her color choice was the same as ours! Needless to say, she left a very happy lady.
Textures on textures on textures with oh so many colours!

Our beloved
Art Hide designs and
Amigos de Hoy bohemian rugs were the biggest attraction at our stall and we couldn’t be more thankful for all the love and appreciation they received.
Marketing Chic

The beautiful
Natalie Reddell AKA
Commander in Chic lavishing our
striking emerald Trilogia rug After the work responsibilities were addressed, it was time for some family fun! Along with the kids, we set off to Disneyland in Florida. It was the best possible way to celebrate after our success at the first trade show and also a great opportunity to cool off after a long and successful weekend of client interactions.
Next stop, Vegas baby! The Las Vegas market was equally eventful. We had a fantastic show with thousands of visitors at the booth. It was crazy and hectic, but having the family around for support and help made it all totally worth it.
Our enthusiastic little helpers keeping energy levels high!
A little extra help from these three wonderful ladies made all the difference! *proud mommy feels*
Here's a quick tour of our Las Vegas Booth in snaps!

Some beautiful wall accessories and ornaments from the Amigos de Hoy collection

For 360o view of our stall, click here.

Las Vegas was also lots of fun after hours. The parents got their martinis while the kids got their limo ride! We even managed to squeeze in a bit of sight-seeing! Here are the girls outside the house of the Legendary Elvis Presley. As you can see, they're absolutely stoked to be there!
Final shop stop, New York! After doing two shows with huge turn-outs, we thought we would be best prepared for the last show at NY Now. But, little did we know, that was just the tip of the iceberg. We were astonished to see the love and reputation Art Hide had among its audiences in the US. We have had hundreds of conversations with designers, retailers and stylists and are looking forward to collaborating with lots of new and exciting people this year!
Bree and Patsy being touristy at Times Square
It is always extremely endearing and humbling when you get to experience all the love and appreciation you get for all the hard work done in person. It makes you more thankful for what you have, while motivating you to push yourself above and beyond in the future! All in all, our USA tour this year was full of surprises and lots of fun with the family on tour too! And after such successful shows in all three cities, we can't wait to go back again with more innovative designs and products. Yes, you read that right! We'll be spending a lot more time in USA very, very soon‚ stay tuned for the details!
Related: Cowhide Rugs USA