Your home office, just like the rest of your home, is an extension and an expression of your personality and style. The most effective way of expressing your personality is to feature a single, bold, statement piece in your office. Traditionally, focal pieces are bright artworks or interesting lighting features, but a large, Australian, Art Hide rug is effective and glamorous way to express your personality. If you dream of pool side getaways and days spent by the ocean, then the Hornet Teal and Gold adds a splash of fun to your home office . If your style leans more towards earthy, mountain based holidays, then an Isola Hide in Caramel is the perfect focal piece for your office.
Finish off a room
Leather rugs bring the features of your office together. For the home office that makes use of splashes of cool colours, then the Falling Squares Rug in Blue or Trellis Rug in Green will bring the colour pallet together without overshadowing the other decorative features. For a home office that uses a neutral or warm pallet, then the geometric patterns in the Selva Rug or Delda Rug will add contrast and interest without overwhelming your work space.

Leather rugs increase insulation
Working from home inevitably results in an increase in utility bills. One way to reduce your spend is to use a cowhide floor rug to increase the insulation in your home office thereby reducing your heating and cooling needs. A large cowhide floor rug such as the Desnudo is a versatile rug that adds a touch of class and warmth to the room while increasing your insulation. Alternatively, a creative, cowhide rug such as the Estrella Rug adds luxury to your office whilst helping to reduce your heating bills.

Complete Rebrand and Packaging Bundle (Logo, Style Guide, Templates, GIFs, Highlights, Custom Tissue Paper, Cards, Stickers and more) valued over $2,600.00 from @completestco
Inclusion in two Collab Shoots and Two Giveaways valued up to $1000.00 with @thecollabsociety
Custom Neon Sign from @sketchandetch.neon
La Quinta 2m Rug in Caramel from @arthide
Printed and Services Range valued at over $700.00 from  @sociallyem
Winners choice of Artwork valued up to $350.00 from @natalie_jade_collective
Essential Classic Desk and Midi Shelf from @popupdesks
$400.00 to spend online with @sataraliving
Online Marketing Academy Annual Membership from @webonize
$150.00 to spend online with @girlfridayplanner
Large Acrylic Wall Calendar + Accessories Bundle from @dailyorders
Annual Membership with @socialsquadcollective valued at $149.00
$100.00 to spend on Organising and Styling services with @littlestronghome
Digital Custom Collage by @wordshewrote
$100.00 to spend online with @truly.amor